Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mikes Brain Blast: Sonic Fan Film in the making

Mike's Brain Blast: Sunday, April 15

Hey guys, welcome to the first of a brand new gaming related news segment that I'll host here on the Lab blog,
Mike's Brain Blast. You may not know that I'm a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and if any of you are also
interested in Sonic you'll be glad to hear that a Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Film is in
the works, it will be funded by Blue Core Studios and directed by Eddy Lebron,
who has also in his past directed the well know Mega Man Fan Film.
The Sonic Fan Film has an estimated release of May 2012, it has now been in the works
for over a year. The estimated length of the film will be 20-35 minutes.

Here's a link to the trailer of  the Sonic Fan Film:

Here's the film's blog:

This is Mike, signing off.


  1. Looks great Mike, I look forward to more of your brain blasts.

  2. Looking forward to it too Michael!
