Thursday, December 6, 2012

Nice article about the 826 Valencia project, which inspired us to set up The Lab

For those who have a goal in mind that involves change, she offers this advice: “You don’t have to go at it thinking, ‘How am I going to transform 16,000 school districts in the country?’ Instead, you can spend an hour working with one child. Even itty bitty steps can make a profound difference.”

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Interesting article about the dropping of the Aspergers label


I'm a proud Aspie, but I accept the term 'Asperger's syndrome' has had its day

At first, I didn't like the idea of Asperger's being subsumed within 'autism spectrum disorder'. But it makes sense

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fundraising, Radio National interview, two articles and specialist paid holiday sessions

It's been a while between posts...and lots has been going on at The Lab.

Here's a short summary.


Firstly, thank you to everyone who helped out with the Lab's Cup Day fundraising BBQ at two locations in Glenroy, our related chokky drive and the related organising of Lab USB sticks for sale. In particularly, we're so grateful for the tireless efforts of Karen and Anne-Maree in organising our fundraising efforts, for Carlo, Beverley and Werribee Rotary for the use of their BBQ trailer, and for everyone else for helping out. We made some good dosh and this is just the beginning of the fundraising activities planned by our parents.

More thank-yous and activities

A further lot of big thanks go to:
  • Paul, Carlo and Bailey for speaking about The Lab to the Young and Well CRC's board meeting in October
  • Dr Anne Harris from Monash University for organising for Dale and I to speak to her postgraduate education students in October
  • the recent Games for Change conference for having us speak about The Lab
  • the OzCHI conference for having Alberto and I presenting yesterday
  • Alberto for doing so much of the research' heavy lifting' in regard to journal and conference papers
  • Merinda Staubli for producing such a brilliant video about The Lab for her Swinburne film course
  • Paul for his visionary work in research and helping us work out where want to go
  • Our Sydney friends Bernice, Julia, Mark and James for their and Just Better Care's passion in starting and running the Sydney Lab, and the continuing dialogue that we're learning so much from
  • all the parents and well-wishers in their support of the Lab

Latest media for The Lab

A couple of weeks ago I did a radio interview on The Lab with Marc Fennel from ABC Radio National. The interview is now available as a podcast and will be broadcast this Sunday and the following Thursday:

A couple of relevant articles

Thorkil Sonne and Specialisterne (the company that trains and places young people with ASD in IT jobs) are moving to the US:

And, fyi, here's the famous article in Wired from a few years that asks: "Autism - and its milder cousin Asperger's syndrome - is surging among the children of Silicon Valley. Are math-and-tech genes to blame?"

Paid game tech holiday program

Lastly, Dale and the mentors will be running a series of paid multiple-day holiday workshops in programming and design over the summer holidays. These activities are separate to The Lab (this stream of activity is called the Devlab). They will take place early to mid January at The Lab and will cover:
  • Introduction to Gamemaker
  • 3d Design
  •  C# Programming & Unity3d Game Design
More details are here:

These sessions are open to anyone and demand has been strong. Please tell anyone you know who might be interested!


Stefan and Dale

Thursday, September 27, 2012

2012 Lab Competition Winners

This week was judgement week for the Lab competition.  Participants were able to make anything - software, games, maps, mods, scripts, videos, comics - as long as it was creative.  
There were some outstanding entries and we are very proud of everybody who participated.  
Well done all!

Wednesday Group

Presented by mentors Sean and Justin.

Bronze award - Zander

Silver award - Dylan

Silver award - Alan

Silver award - Michael

Gold award - Dean

Gold award - Alex

Thursday Group

Presented by Dale

Bronze award - Aidan

Bronze award - Taylor

Silver award - Bella

Silver award - Bailey

Gold award - Dermott

Gold award - Darcy

Images from September 2012 holiday session

Thanks to all that attended.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Article on teaching kids with autism, by Temple Grandin

The message of this article seems quite familiar :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Article in the local paper about Bill Shorten's visit to The Lab

Here's a story from this week's Maribyrnong Weekly, featuring lab member Isabella:

Also, you might be interested in this post commenting on the debate about the social impact of online technologies:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Article in the UK Guardian that sounds close to home: The UK's attitude to computer education needs a reboot

"The ability to have an idea, and then build it myself, rather than nagging (or paying) developer friends into submission is one of the most empowering things I've ever learned."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lots of movement at The Lab of late

It's been a while between drinks on this blog - we've been so busy of late. So here's a short summary of some of the latest developments in Labland (that's not a bad term..should use that!):

  • last week The Lab hosted a ministerial visit from the Hon Bill Shorten, Federal Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, and Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation. Minister Shorten also happens to be the local member for Maribyrnong, which is where the Lab is located. The visit saw a cast of dozens: kids and parents in Lab t-shirts, representatives from Victoria University and the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre (who organised the visit) as well as Shorten and his support staff. Minister Shorten spent much of the hour sitting down with Lab members and hearing from parents, then gave an eloquent speech on the needs of Australians with disability. The Young and Well CRC has collected some media from the event here: Below is one of the pics, featuring Dermott giving the Minister a lesson in games programming:
  • the week before, The Lab's video (see the homepage on The Lab website: and a big banner of the Lab infographic (see below) featured at a Science Week event at Parliament House in Canberra. Again, this was organised by the Young and Well CRC:
  • In the last little while we (well, largely our brilliant research colleague Alberto Rizzo) have also been working on some papers about The Lab, including one for the forthcoming World Mental Health conference in Perth, one for the Australian Computer-Human Interaction conference in Melbourne, and one for a journal.
  • Dale and/or Stefan have also given presentations at Flinders University in Adelaide and at the Werribee Rotary Club, where we have met some brilliant people.
  • Our friends at  Just Better Care in Sydney are forging ahead with plans to start a Lab there. Start date is set at October 6! If you know anyone in Sydney who might be interested in this,or would like to be involved as a mentor or participant, please let us know via the Lab site contact form ( - we'd love to hear from you.
  • Both the Wednesday and Thursday groups are firing along now, especially with the upcoming creative competition that's due to end in September.
  • We're due to run another holiday workshop in the September holidays - will keep you posted once Dale returns from Japan and we can work out a date.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

public meeting on educational support for ASD kids

Hi everyone. This message comes from Cheryl, Edward's mum. For parents of ASD kids looking to advocate for changes to the educationsl support funding criteria  for kids on the ASD spectrum. Public Meeting, Sunday,July 22, 1.00pm-4.00pm,Ross House,Ground Meeting Room,247 Flinders Lane,Melbourne (Flinders Street Station end of flinders lane). Registration is necessary Contact Janeane-0438 219 965 or Nicky-0417 295 238,

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bailey's Adobe Fireworks creations

Hello, this is Bailey from the lab. Here I will be showing you some creations I made using the program
Adobe fireworks.

An unofficial Super Mario 64 2 logo.

In the late 90's Nintendo announced that a sequel to Super Mario 64 (1996) would be released for the Nintendo 64 DD in 1999 but due to failing sales for the Nintendo 64 DD the game was cancelled. (Don't believe me? check the Super Mario Wiki.)
So then I thought "what if Nintendo were able to make a logo"? As you can see in the logo apart from the number 2 the word MARIO is slightly brighter.  Also, not only is Mario's hat there but so is Luigi's hat because he was intended to be in the game and the game was planned to be 2 player. The Number 2 is a copy of the number 2 in the Mario party 2 logo but is now red with black lines and white dots.

At this years E3, Nintendo announced that a 4th New Super Mario Bros is coming to the new Wii U. So I thought I could make up a cover for the game using the official group art and logo plus with some other features. I also made a Wii U cover layout using the circle part from the Mario Kart Wii logo but making it the colour grey, plus with the Wii U logo and an exclusive New Super Mario Bros.U only, blue coloured background.

New Super Mario Bros. U trailer here-


After the announcement of the Wii U at E3 2011 I had an idea for a Mario Game called Super Mario U and then renamed Super Mario 264. In these covers I reused official Nintendo artwork to make the characters do different things e.g. - I got a picture of Mario in his kart and then erased the kart and put Mario on the back of Yoshi. I also reused the Wii game cover layout but with the Wii U logo. Soon I will post a blog about my ideas for the game and with a new cover as well with the title going back to Super Mario U.             

                                                            More blogs coming soon.



Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mikes Brain Blast: Sonic Fan Film in the making

Mike's Brain Blast: Sunday, April 15

Hey guys, welcome to the first of a brand new gaming related news segment that I'll host here on the Lab blog,
Mike's Brain Blast. You may not know that I'm a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and if any of you are also
interested in Sonic you'll be glad to hear that a Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Film is in
the works, it will be funded by Blue Core Studios and directed by Eddy Lebron,
who has also in his past directed the well know Mega Man Fan Film.
The Sonic Fan Film has an estimated release of May 2012, it has now been in the works
for over a year. The estimated length of the film will be 20-35 minutes.

Here's a link to the trailer of  the Sonic Fan Film:

Here's the film's blog:

This is Mike, signing off.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Last week's holiday session, and free Game Maker course

Hello everyone.

Thank you to all those who took part in last week's very successful holiday session. It was a great afternoon with a lively and fun atmosphere, even given that the laptops ran out and we had to drag in chairs from other rooms to cater for everyone!

In particular, a huge thank you to the five regular Thursday Lab kids who acted as mentors and helped out their peers. You guys did a brilliant job.

Secondly, some people might be interested in a free 20-hour online GameMaker course that is being run by a private Melbourne-based educational institution. More details can be found here: (and thank you to Sue for sending the link!)


Stefan, Dale and the Lab team

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A drawing created with Corel Painter Essentials 4

Hi, Bailey here. This is a creeper being scared by a cat.
I drew this picture because I liked how cats were introduced into Minecraft in version 1.2

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Anybody like Minecraft?

Hey parents, does your child like Minecraft? There is a wide variety of animations about Minecraft on the Internet, and for those of your children who are interested, here's my Top 5

A short series of videos made by someone new to Minecraft, they did a pretty good job though!

Another series of funny short films about Minecraft. (Australian Made)

A short video about a man who makes an unlikely friend, a Creeper. (Australian Made)

Another Minecraft short showing somebodies initial reactions to Minecraft. (Australian Made)

1. Revenge
A Minecraft music video about somebody who stands up against Creepers,
the music is great and this video is undoubtedly the best Minecraft video I've seen.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Minecraft Artwork!

Here's a video I made,
it's a Speed Art of a Creeper, a popular meme from the Minecraft video game.
The video includes a download link to a editable PNG (Type of picture)
So you can feel free download and edit it to your hearts content.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thank you Murray and parents for discussion yesterday - and useful Autism Games site

Thank you to Murray Dawson-Smith from Amaze and parents for taking part in our very encouraging chat about the idea to team up the Lab with a work skills and placement initiative. We'll now follow up on that.

You might also be interested in this games portal for kids with Autism, which was mentioned during the discussion:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Luke Priddis Foundation - an ASD support org operating in Western Sydney

Just FYI folks, in case you want to make links with other ASD groups around the country:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A couple of very relevant articles about autism in Melbourne's west from today's Age

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Meeting with south eastern group

On Thursday we had a meeting with several people who are interested in either helping or getting another version of the lab off the ground in the south eastern suburbs.
In attendance were;
Mandy Rampton - DEECD
Amanda Jarn - Carrum Downs SC
Sonya Bottern - SFYS Frankston
Julia Dixon - Occupational Therapist Carrum Downs
Antoinette White -
Jill Robins and Cristina Isaac who are running monthly social sessions for kids with Asperger's
Dan Tiomkin - Holmesglen
Murray Dawson-Smith - Autism Victoria CEO
Paul Staubli - Parent
Anne Harris - Monash University

Many of the attendees have children on the spectrum and a real vested interest in getting some kind of program up and running.

Topics discussed included(in order of discussion);

Specialisterne - looking to franchise here
Murray has talked to the bank industry for 2 years to try to get something similar happening here.
SFYS funding 16th March which Carrum Downs SC will apply for.
Co-ordinating all groups and working together.
Importance of research and gaining empirical data, prove it's going to work (Murray).
Possibility of involving a wide range of corporations who can provide employment for aspy kids in the future.
Using various objects of affinity.
Schools have the potential to do harm or damage.
Parents group and how it has worked so well.
Action - we will give a letter of support for carrum downs.
Jill and Cristina are also looking to start something and we will try to assist with mentors.

Overall it felt like quite a productive meeting, with some new ideas coming from it and the very real possibility of something happening in the near future.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A bunch of useful and interesting links on Aspergers, local and overseas

ASD Association is a team of parents, professionals, and persons dedicated to improving the educational standards of children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.

(Antoinette from this group came to visit The Lab today)

Their Facebook page is here:


Fight for a different normal Denise Ryan
February 25, 2008

THOUSANDS of young Victorians with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism have dropped out of mainstream high schools and are spending their lives locked in their bedrooms watching television or on the PC, say autism experts.

YEARS of campaigning have paid off for parents of autistic children in Melbourne's east with last week's State Government announcement of a new school in Ferntree Gully.


Tony Attwood interviews Temple Grandin



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January holiday session

Yesterday we held the Lab's two-hour January holiday session. More people came along than planned, so the Maidstone office was a picture of flurry at 4pm as the guys struggled to find desk spaces for all the 18 excited (and often initially apprehensive) young people who came along.

How did it go? By all indications really well, thanks to the sterling efforts of Dale, Justin, Sean, Craig and Tung in settling participants and getting them stuck into something of interest. As usual, Minecraft featured strongly. One 8 year-old created a website on the fly and other returning participants had specific questions answered about particular software. At the end there were lots of big grins and requests to return.

For me observing proceedings, what was really striking was how quickly everything settled down and how at home these young people seemed to be once they got going on their activities on their laptops and their parents went to the tea room. These boys (there was only one girl present) really seemed to be in their element, like they'd been coming to the Lab for months, not going to a new location for the first time with a group of others they'd never met before. There was a surprising lot of interaction, with kids asking each other about their work.

For me, it was actually quite extraordinary and a clear confirmation that this approach works, at least in the current context - we have yet to see how this translates to other settings with different people and mentors. OK, I co-started The Lab and have been been running it since April so I'm not exactly neutral about its benefits, but this was a clearer indication than expected that we're onto something powerful here.

The main real issue at present is our ability to work with more of these excellent and fun young people, given the interest in The Lab by those who have been given a taste of it, our preference to work with people over the long term, and the ever-growing waiting list. We have to make sure we and our mentors don't burn out. The only real way to do this is to see the model adopted by other people in other places. This is our real challenge now for the next stage of the Lab's development.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

For anyone living in or near Ballarat (or know someone who is)...

Here's a message from someone running a great project you might like to explore:

Dear Stefan,

After reading your article in the AMAZE newsletter esprectrum 64 I thought I would contact you about another program that is running in the Ballarat Area. Flashdrive Beyond the Classroom Inc is a Not For Profit Business working with disengaged youth and people with disabilities.

From the website:

Students learn to:

  • assemble a computer from recycled parts
  • install and configure software
  • use Windows and common software applications
  • work in an environmentally-friendly way – our computers are donated by local organisations and refurbished or recycled, reducing e-waste.

Afterwards, students may purchase the computer they build at low cost.