Monday, March 25, 2013

Melbourne Lab - payment forms for next term

Hi everyone.

Payment forms for term two of the Melbourne Lab are now available. Our term will be the same as the 11-week school term - ie starting in the week of April 15 and ending in the week of June 24.

Cost per session will be the same as last term ($15 plus GST for the tech-focused sessions, $10 plus GST for the socially-focused sessions, concessions and hardship exemptions available). The total cost will be a little more this time because this term has 11 weeks instead of term one's 9 weeks. Payment can be made via credit card, cash or cheque. VU will issue paper receipts that can be picked up from The Lab in Maidstone (next to the sign-in book).

MS Word and PDF versions of the payment form can be downloaded from here:



Minecraft: the 'ultimate educational tool'?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lab USB sticks/wristbands and entertainment books for sale

The Lab is currently selling USB keys and 'entertainment books' which offer a variety of big discounts on local products and services (more details of offers here:  The USB keys are $10 each (or our current special: 2 for $15) and the entertainment books are $65 for Melbourne and $55 for Geelong.

The USB keys come in two styles, a very handy 4GB wrist band (great for Secret Agents on a mission) and a nifty 8GB swivel key ring (see photos) – Forget chocolate this Easter, the kids would much prefer a USB key to store their music and favourite pics on!

 With the entertainment books, if you are interested we can post or e-mail you a purchase form.  Some Lab parents have bought an entertainment book before and have made money back immediately by booking greatly discounted Sydney accommodation.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Details of our Weerama Festival stall/BBQ

Hi everyone.

Here's a note from fundraising coordinator Karen about tomorrow's sausage sizzle:

Hi All,

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help out tomorrow, and thank you again to those families who donated items for sale.  Don’t worry if you missed out this time, I’m sure there will be plenty more opportunities to join us!    

Please see the below map giving directions to Wyndham Park.  Just follow the signs for “Cars For Kids”.  There is no parking inside the park, but there should be some along Cottrell St and Greaves St, only a short walk away.  We are setting up just by the entry to the park, right next to the children’s playground, at the top of the hill.  Please drop by and say hello if you’re in the area.  Look forward to seeing you there!