Hi everyone.
For your information, have just been sent the following email about an Aspergers workshop:
I’m writing to let you know that
registrations are now open for the full day Special Little People seminar to
help children with Asperger's/Autism Spectrum Disorders: “How to best support
Primary School children”
Wednesday, June 19th, Darebin Arts and Entertainment
Centre, Preston Registrations close: 20th May
It’s exactly the same seminar we ran in March, where
presentations focused on strategies: managing anxiety, pragmatics, team work,
handling bullying and disclosing an ASD.
Here’s what attendees had to say about the March seminar:
“A very helpful, well organised seminar - a terrific
insight into the “world of an aspie.”
“All information was helpful - especially parents
understanding teachers and teachers understanding parents.”
“I came away upbeat and not overwhelmed as I have done on
many occasions of going to these seminars/workshops.”
This seminar is for all year levels in primary school and
brings together the main professionals needed to help case manage a child with
If you know any parents, teachers, service providers,
others that you think this seminar would benefit please email it on, publish it
on your facebook site, etc and a flyer is enclosed if you wanted to print it
out and post up on notice boards etc.
The website for further information and to register is
Thank you for your support to date. We are really trying
to have the wider community see the world through the eyes of a child with
Asperger’s as the basis of our seminars, strategies then follow. Hopefully
we’ll get even more parents, teachers and other professionals coming for the
same seminar to help us with this goal!
Thank you for your time and passing this email on!
Amanda Curtis
SLP seminars team member and author of the book "My
friend has Asperger's"
Tel. 0417 411 007
Fax. (03) 9489 7636
PO Box 416, Northcote, Vic. 3070