Monday, December 30, 2013

My fireworks Mario game inspires an idea?

Hi guys it's Bailey! It's been awhile since my last blog but I was meant to show you the updated version of my fake Mario game, here it is along with some extra artwork made in fireworks at the same time.

And now that's it's been 2 to 3 years since I can up with the idea and now Nintendo has surprised me. Nintendo have now released a new Mario game called Super Mario 3D World which very much like my game is a Wii U game, has 3D multi-player and even features the return of Princess Peach. There are some differences though such as that it's a 3D Land sequel rather than a game of collecting power stars like Galaxy and 64, and that Yoshi doesn't have an appearance. The cover of the game is also similar.    

So either it's a coincidence or Nintendo are mind readers :3


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Article on Susan Boyle revealing she has Aspergers, plus a helpful site for those entering tertiary study from the Olga Tennison Austism Research Centre

Hi Lab folks - last week of the Lab year, once again (and how quickly).

In case you're interested, here's an article from the Guardian that might be of interest:

Plus here's a useful guide from OTARC for young people with autism entering tertiary study:

Have a brilliant, safe and fun and holiday season!


Monday, October 7, 2013

Some great news on Frankston Lab

Some good news to share - our intrepid Paul Staubli has not only got the Frankston Lab going, but has managed to secure a year's funding. That is so very awesome :) More soon...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Maidstone Lab is moving!

Some good news - we've just had confirmed that The Maidstone Lab will be moving to a brilliant new location at the Footscray Community Arts Centre next term, after the Centre approached us about hosting The Lab recently.

It's a fabulous space with a cafe, good parking, nearby train and a grassy setting by the Maribyrnong River. Footscray Community Arts Centre runs a broad range of programs for all kinds of people, and it will be great for The Lab to be part of that community. Centre location details are here:

Besides the opportunity to move to such a good new location, The Lab's decision to move from Maidstone is connected with Dale's business. Oztron doesn't really need the big space to do their software projects, and the rent keeps going up, meaning that it has become increasingly less viable lately to keep running The Lab there.

Everything else about The Lab will stay the same - fees, processes, session times etc.

We have just found out and will be working out other details in the next week. But we did want to let people know asap in advance of planning for the next school term, so you can make an informed decision about that. Soon we'll send parents the payment forms for the new term for the Lab at the Footscray Community Arts Centre.


Stefan and Dale

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Minecraft server especially for kids wth autism

Thanks Sophie for sending this through!


"The first Minecraft server dedicated to providing a safe, fun and learning environment for children on the autism spectrum and their families."

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

PAX Australia - starts tomorrow

Hi everyone.

The Melbourne event for gaming show series Pax starts tomorrow and goes through to Monday!

Here's the description:

"In 2004, the folks at Penny Arcade decided they wanted a show exclusively for gaming. Sure, comics, anime, and other nerd hobbies were cool, and those activities all had their own shows... so what about games? From that idea spawned a small 4,500 person event in Bellevue, Washington, focused on the culture and community that is gaming. Since then, the show hasn't looked back. Doubling in size each year until venue capacities were reached, in 2010 the show expanded into Boston for PAX East, drawing tens of thousands of attendees in the inaugural year. The shows in Seattle and Boston represent the two largest gaming events in North America, and for the first time PAX is expanding internationally for its inaugural Australian show!"

Monday, July 1, 2013

PhD scholarship for The Lab

Anyone know someone who might be interested in doing a three-year PhD scholarship with The Lab?

If so, the link to the application form is here: . The deadline for applications is July 31.

Here's the description:

The above application form relates to a VU & Young And Well CRC scholarship to undertake a specific PhD research project at Victoria University. This project will:
  • generate new knowledge from and about an existing innovative technology project for young people with Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism, and;
  • develop innovative methodologies that accurately and ethically represent young people’s voices, including methodologies that involve the use of digital technologies.

The Lab ( is a growing network of ‘technology clubs’ for young people with High Functioning Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome, as well as their parents and carers. Established in early 2011, The Lab currently caters for 60 families in Melbourne, 30 families in Sydney and 30 families in Geelong, with more locations underway. All Labs offer personal mentoring in technology by programming and design professionals, as well as the chance to meet others and develop social skills in a relaxed and supportive environment.

The focus of the PhD project will be:

·         The development of innovative, technology-informed research methodologies that respond to the needs of young people with High Functioning Autism, and that accurately reflect participants’ ‘voices’;
·         The use of these methodologies to (a) better understand how the Lab works, especially in its interaction of the technological and the social; and (b) develop cross-Lab evaluations that accurately capture impact on participants and families; and
·         The development of protocols and guidelines for new Labs that are designed to facilitate maximum positive impact, based on evaluation data.

Closing date is Wednesday 31 July 2013. Further information is available from Dr Stefan Schutt, Centre for Cultural Diversity & Wellbeing, Victoria University (

Monday, June 24, 2013

Payment forms for Term 3, Maidstone Lab

New payment forms are now available for Term Three of the Melbourne Lab.

Term Three runs for ten weeks and costs are:

Social Sessions (Wednesdays and Saturdays): $110.00 full/ $90.00 concession            Technical Sessions (Thursdays): $165.00 full/ $110.00 concession

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Disclosing Aspergers workshop

Hi everyone.

For your information, have just been sent the following email about an Aspergers workshop:


I’m writing to let you know that registrations are now open for the full day Special Little People seminar to help children with Asperger's/Autism Spectrum Disorders: “How to best support Primary School children”
Wednesday, June 19th, Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre, Preston Registrations close: 20th May

It’s exactly the same seminar we ran in March, where presentations focused on strategies: managing anxiety, pragmatics, team work, handling bullying and disclosing an ASD.

Here’s what attendees had to say about the March seminar:

“A very helpful, well organised seminar - a terrific insight into the “world of an aspie.”

“All information was helpful - especially parents understanding teachers and teachers understanding parents.”

“I came away upbeat and not overwhelmed as I have done on many occasions of going to these seminars/workshops.”

This seminar is for all year levels in primary school and brings together the main professionals needed to help case manage a child with Asperger's.

If you know any parents, teachers, service providers, others that you think this seminar would benefit please email it on, publish it on your facebook site, etc and a flyer is enclosed if you wanted to print it out and post up on notice boards etc.

The website for further information and to register is

Thank you for your support to date. We are really trying to have the wider community see the world through the eyes of a child with Asperger’s as the basis of our seminars, strategies then follow. Hopefully we’ll get even more parents, teachers and other professionals coming for the same seminar to help us with this goal!

Thank you for your time and passing this email on!

Amanda Curtis
SLP seminars team member and author of the book "My friend has Asperger's"
Tel. 0417 411 007
Fax. (03) 9489 7636
PO Box 416, Northcote, Vic. 3070

Monday, April 29, 2013

New links with GUF Gaming - and new offer for Lab social sessions in Werribee

Today Dale and Stefan met with Jim White, founder of GUF Gaming, described on their website ( "Australia's own internet and games centre...We offer top of the line PC and console gaming for the casual and the hardcore player alike."

Jim is a parent of a child on the autism spectrum. He already knows some of the Lab kids, and wants to have more involvement in the Lab. We're very excited to have this interest from GUF - in fact we couldn't imagine a better alignment of interests.

To start things off, Jim has offered to host special social Lab sessions at his Werribee centre from 10am - 12pm on Saturdays. Cost will be $10 and includes access to the GUF PCs. Security will be provided, and GUF will create a special Lab login, which will include access to a host of fun games offered by GUF, but minus any inappropriate ones (R-rated etc). There is no 'parent room' there: usually parents either leave kids there and come back later - or are encouraged to learn the games themselves from the guys who work there!

For those of you interested, please let Stefan or Dale know as soon as you can. This session could either replace or augment your usual Lab session, depending on your interests and time. We will still run the Maidstone sessions from 1pm to 3pm on Saturdays, so you could do both or one, as you choose.

The GUF website has more details of what they offer:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Melbourne Lab - payment forms for next term

Hi everyone.

Payment forms for term two of the Melbourne Lab are now available. Our term will be the same as the 11-week school term - ie starting in the week of April 15 and ending in the week of June 24.

Cost per session will be the same as last term ($15 plus GST for the tech-focused sessions, $10 plus GST for the socially-focused sessions, concessions and hardship exemptions available). The total cost will be a little more this time because this term has 11 weeks instead of term one's 9 weeks. Payment can be made via credit card, cash or cheque. VU will issue paper receipts that can be picked up from The Lab in Maidstone (next to the sign-in book).

MS Word and PDF versions of the payment form can be downloaded from here:



Minecraft: the 'ultimate educational tool'?